With 81 tie-down locations and 88 T-hangars, the Airport is home to a wide variety of private pilots. On almost any day, it is not unusual to find pilot training in progress, ultralight aircraft in the air, members of the local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association gathered in one of the T-Hangars and pilots in the Hampton Roads Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol preparing to fly a mission.
For transient pilots, the Airport is the perfect midway stopping point on the East Coast fly-way. For the private pilot with Hampton Roads as a destination, the Airport is only minutes from the warm beaches, sun and fun of Virginia Beach and the Nauticus Maritime Museum with the Battleship Wisconsin in downtown Norfolk.
Local pilots know, and visiting private pilots are sure to agree - whether they are arriving in a new Very Light Jet (VLJ), a light twin, a single-engine Cessna or an experimental aircraft, Chesapeake Regional Airport is - the right approach - for private pilots.